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Ақтөбе облысы, Мартөк ауданы, Каратоғай ауылы, Қаратоғай орта мектебі, физика және информатика пәнінің мұғалімі Сейтқалиев Жұлдызбек Қаратайұлы.
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Eng-6. How much juice? How many apples?

Опубликовал в 25 Февраль 2013 – 20:24Один комментарий

 Шығыс Қазақстан облысы. Аягөз ауданы. К.Бозтаев атындағы жалпы білім беру мектебі, Ағылшын  тілі  пән мұғалімі Сахариева Дария Балшатқызы

School:  K.Boztaev
Teacher: Sakharieva   Dariya  Balshatovna
Form: 6
The  theme  of  the  lesson: How  much  juice? How   many  apples?
The  aims  of  the  lesson:
1. Educational: To  present  the  questions  “How  much?” , “How  many?” and  pronouns   a  few,  a little ,   a lot  of ,   to  teach  pupils  to  distinguish  difference  of  them,  to  practice  using  of   ”There  is/are” construction  with  countable  and  uncountable  nouns  using   words connected   with  food  and  drink
2. Developing: To  develop  pupils`  speaking,  reading,  writing, logical thinking,  listening  and  remembering  habits
3. Up-brining: To  bring pupils  up  to  be  economy  in  everyday  life

The  type  of  the  lesson:  mixed

Methods  of  teaching:  demonstration, explanation,  exercises
Inter subject  connection:  biology,  maths, Kazakh
The  equipment  of  the  lesson:  an  active  board,  cards,  asterisks

Language  material:

Grammar:  countable   and  uncountable   nouns
Vocabulary: words   connected   with   food   and   drinks

The  course  of  lesson

I. Organization  moment.

- Good  afternoon  boys  and  girls!  How  are  you?
- Good  afternoon   teacher. We  are  fine. And  you?
- I`m  fine   too. Thank  you. I`m  glad  to  see  you  at  our  lesson.

Talk   with  duty.  Asking  absent  pupils.

II. Phonetic  drill.

Now children let’s begin our lesson
-         Today we are going to speak about “Food”
-         The 1st task of our lesson is phonetic drill.

Listen to this rhyme very attentively and repeat it in chorus.

“ This egg is bad”
Says my dad.
“Take another
Says my mother”
A plate of meat
For brother Pete.

After  that  pupils   repeat  it  individually.

III. Checking  up  the   home  task.

-Please, duty  stand  up. What  was  your  home  work  for  today?
-Exercise   3  at  page  17  from  Workbook.To  make  up  questions  about  food and  drink  in  the  fridge. To  learn  new  words.
At   first  pupils  read   sentences  putting   “some”  or  “any”.(ex  3p. 17)
I  give  you   asterisks  for  your   right  answers.

a)  Game  “Yes/No Ping-  pong” (group  work)

The  class   is  divided   into  two  groups: A  and  B. Each  pupil   in  both  groups   ask  questions   which   answers  should  include   “There  is/are”  construction  and   pronouns    “some”  or  “any”.

-  Is   there   any  meat   in  your  fridge?
-  Yes,  there  is  some.
-  Are  there  any  bananas  in   your  fridge?
-  No,  there   aren`t. etc.

b)  Work  with  pictures.

I  want   to  check   up   how  do  you  learn  new  words. There  are   shown   pictures on   the  slide (countable/uncountable  nouns( food  and  drink).You  name   them and  define  countable/uncountable  nouns.

Grapes- countable,  milk- uncountable, biscuits- countable, sugar- uncountable.

IV. Presentation. Explanation   of  new  grammar   material.

At  our  last   lesson  you  introduced   with  pronouns  some  and  any. We  said  that  some  is  used   in    positive,  sometimes   in  question   sentences. Any  is  used   in  negative  and  question   sentences. Today  we   introduce  with   much/ many,  a few/

a  little, a  lot  of.

Much  is  used  with  uncountable  nouns   in  questions   and   negatives.

I  haven`t  got   much   sugar.

How  much  cheese  is  there   in  the   fridge?

Many  is   used  with  countable  nouns   in  questions   and   negatives.

There   aren`t   many  eggs  in   the   fridge.

How   many  apples  have  you  got?

A  few  is  used  with   countable  nouns.

There  are  a  few  apples  on  the  table.

A  little  is   used    with  uncountable  nouns.

There`s   a   little   millk   in  the  bottle.

A  lot  of   is   used  with   both countable  and   uncountable  nouns.

There  is  a  lot  of  butter.

There  are  a  lot  of   apples   in  the  bowl.

During   the   explanation  I   use   pictures   and   schemes   on   slides.

V. Practice.

a)  Put   the  necessary  word    into  the  gaps.

Pupils   put   pronouns   much/ many, a  few/a  little,  a  lot  of    into  the  gaps   in  given  sentences.

He  has  got  _______  water  in  the  glass.

Сабақтың толық нұсқасын көшіріп алыңыз.

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