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Ағылшын тілі-11. The 11th form. The Importance of learning and knowing English.

Опубликовал inust в 20 Ноябрь 2011 – 12:45Пікір жоқ
Бұл мақала 1461 рет оқылды, 9 рет бүгін

Исламова Жібек Төлеуқызы. Жамбыл облысы, Шу қаласы, “Жібек Жолы” мектеп-лицейі.

Сабақтың толық нгұсқасын (флипчарт, сабақ жоспары, презентациясы) көшіріп алыңыз.

Theme of the lesson:  The Importance of learning and knowing English.
The procedure of the lesson:

I. Org moment.
- Good day!
- Very glad to see you at our last lesson.
- Today I want you to speak about English language (its importance of knowing and studying English).

II. Before discussing the theme of our lesson I want you to answer my questions:

- You have been learning English for 10 years (since the 2nd form).

1. Did you like your English lessons!
2. What did you do during your English lessons?
3. What marks did you usually get in English?
4. Do you find English grammar easy or difficult to study?
5. What about English pronunciation?
6. How many vowels are there in the English alphabet?
7. How many letters are there in the English alphabet?
8. What English speaking countries do you know?
9. Which variant of the English language do you like more: British of American?
10. In your opinion – how long does it take a person to learn to speak a foreign language?
11. Do you find English language easy or difficult to learn?
12. Why is it important to know foreign (I mean buglers) language?

III. Dialogue. Speak on the topic: The Wonderful World of the English language.

Ақбота: - Have you ever wondered how many people there are in the world who speaks English.
Мадияр: - I’m sure, it’s quite a number and I’m one of them.
Ақбота: - As for me I study English too and it’s my favourite subject, I should say.
Мадияр: - I know it perfectly well that learning English now days is a must. English is wide spread.
Мадияр: - In fact, it is represented in very continent and in three main oceans: the Atlantic, the Indian and the Pacific.
Алия: - Really it’s an interesting world we live in. By the way the modern world is becoming bigger and wider, but on the other hand, it’s becoming closer thanks to international relations. It means that we need a global language.
Мұхтар:                        - To my mind, English has better chances to become, a language of international communication.

So why not learn it?

IV. Topics. Айшат, Аида
V. Associogramme.

- Tell me pleas, what associations do you have with the wads English
language (on the blackboard)

VI. The text “The English language”.
You are given the text.
Look through and do the tasks.
Task to the group №1.
Task to the group №2.

VII. Questions (on the blackboard).
VIII. The political map of the world.
- How do you think why these countries are marked with the violet color?
- Who wants to do to the board and show English speaking countries?

IX. Study English. For what is it needed? (1 – 10 pupils answering.
X. The Importance of learning English (1 – 4 pupils answering).
XI. Value of knowing English in the speak of globalization.
XII. Appearance of President N.A.Nazarbaev on convenient.
XIII. Interesting facts about English.
XIV. Conclusion. (в фоне chopin.mp3)

English is the member one language of the world, and of course it is the international language. English as an international language has been taught in almost all countries of the world. Language is like life because it involves every thing.

XV. Don’t forget, English is the native language for a lot of famous people. The first place is taken by William Shakespeare. All is a great English poet and playwright. All made much to enrich the language. When William Shakespeare had said a thing, it seems impossible that it could ever be said in a better way.

XVI. (Titanic.  http://narod.ru/disk/8438577000/titanig.flv.html )

– My dear! I want to give you a little present before saying good – bye to you.
– This is an extract from a well – known film “Titanic”.

It is made by American producers. The song which is followed during the film is culled “My heart will go on”. The singer of the song is Selion Dion also is a famous American singer. Enjoy it please.

Сабақтың толық нгұсқасын (флипчарт, сабақ жоспары, презентациясы) көшіріп алыңыз.

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